France, July 2004 - Sister Marie Hélène returned to God. More >

NYC - June 04: At the UN: Meeting with National Council of Women. More >

New York - COLUMBIA News Sce wrote: The Sisters Servants of Our Lady Read >

Mongolia - Inauguration of Yurt Village in Mongolia, Oct. 30, 03 - Story

Belgium: Declaration on Human Rights - Italy: Beatification of Mother Theresa, Oct. 03

France: help a sick child - CBS Channel and Landsend in New York City 2003

USA: Christmas Parties in Chicago & New York City, 2003

Haiti: News from our Haiti Mission, October 2003

Chicago: She left for the Father's House - July 15, 2003

Mongolia: A trip to our Mission in Mongolia, July 2003

France: Magazine Valeurs Actuelles and Fraternite Notre Dame, 10 of July, 03

France: Roanne's City Hall [France] and its ties to Mongolia - June 14, 03

USA: Interview at the Brandywine Forum, May 16-18, 2003 in Pennsylvania, USA

Chicago: Honorary Street Sign Dedication: "Rev. Bishop Jean Marie R. Kozik Street" Priestly and Diaconal Ordinations, end of April 03

Haiti: News from our Haiti Mission... Spring 2003

Chicago Department of Human Services (May 30, 03): Advanced Youth Development Graduation

Chicago, IL: Honorary Street Sign Dedication Ceremony, Ordinations: April 25-26, 2003

Chicago, USA: Austin Organ Company (March 03) - Mongolia at Christmas... Jan. 2003

Haiti's Mission, Learn More (winter 2002-2003) - UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, February 03

Paris, France, Marie de Nazareth in Belleville - Conference on the Apparitions of Our Lady Jan 03

Canada, Pilgrim Virgin of Our Lady of Frechou is travelling - Peace and Fraternity in Chicago

Niger, End of year 2002: Opening of a New Fraternite Notre Dame School at the Mission

NY & Chicago, December 2002 : Taking care of the young and the not so young

Christmas in Chicago - Our dear haitan faithful - Friendship Luncheon, end of December 02

Chicago's Anti-Hunger Federation - Mongolia : Laurent Marie, Dec. 02

Mongolia: The Most Rev. Bishop visits the Mission with some of us; Oct. 02

Church of Our Lady of Frechou, USA: Honoring our dear Volunteers and Benefactors. Sept. 02

NYC & Chicago: September 11th, 2001 remembered... 9/11/2002

Illinois: The Most Rev. Bishop Jean Marie meets with Chicago Mayor, Hon. Richard M. Daley

New York City: Passing away of former FBI Special Agent, August 2, 2002

Hungary: IARF Congress on Religious Freedom, July-August, 2002

Martinique & Haiti: Bishop Jean Marie's trip, June-July 2002

Rome, Italy:Canonization of Blessed Padre Pio, June 16, 02

France : 25th Anniversary, Apparitions of Our Lady to Father Jean Marie in Fréchou, 6-10-02

USA : Religious Freedom, Brandywine Forum - Loretto Hospital in Chicago, May 2002

Spain : Second World Assembly on Ageing - Madrid, April 11, 2002

Storehouse of World Vision-Chicago & Fraternite Notre Dame, April 6 2002

USA : Holy Week Ceremonies in Chicago & NY, March/Avril 2002

Chicago: Eucumenical Breakfast - March 18, 2002

Italy: Fraternite Notre Dame in Assisi - January 24, 2002

USA: FND counts her First Pilot! - March 2002

Chicago: Visit from Mayor Richard Daley - March 7, 2002

Le Fréchou/France: 31st Anniversary - 101th Birthday!

France: Our First Tertiary… January 2001

NYC and Chicago: Thanksgiving Parties and Inauguration - November 2001

USA: Fraternite Notre Dame's Christmas Parties in Chicago and NYC - 21-22 Dec. 2001

Italy: Saint Peter's Square - Nov. 25, 2001

NYC & Washington DC: Terrorist Attacks in the US - September 11, 2001

Niger: Fraternite Notre Dame's Mission in Niamey - August 2001

Chicago: A very busy day…
A visit from Congressman Danny Davis - August 2001

NYC: New York - July 2001

Haiti: Fraternite Notre Dame's School

Paris, France: Soup Kitchen Marie de Nazareth - July 2001

Rome: His Emminence Silvio Cardinal Oddi - July 2001

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