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In our young Christian community, the Birth of Jesus was obviously celebrated at the church, but also at the soup kitchen, orphanage and hospital of Fraternite Notre Dame.

How many pretty little faces rejoiced on this beautiful Christmas 2002, under the snow and in the poor yurts, barely heated.

The Child-God consoled the hearts of these needy families, with the charity of the Priests and Sisters of the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie. Numerous steps had to be taken and many requests made to obtain what was necessary to make everyone happy.

Myriam celebrated her 11th birthday at the orphanage; Marie Samuel filled his little cheeks; little Jean Marie is quite lively and healthy and blew his only birthday candle! He is very cute in his traditional Mongolian attire. Philippe Marie was miraculously rescued from death and is out of danger.

Invited to a Ceremony of Ordinations by the Korean Nuncio visiting Mongolia, the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie sent Sister Marie Françoise and Sister Marie Dominique to represent Fraternite Notre Dame and unite their prayers to those of the faithful present on the occasion.

Again, a friendly lunch was offered by our good friends, the Sisters of Mother Theresa, who had gathered Nuns together from the various religious orders present on Mongolian grounds.

The reception started with Mass and then went on with a meal filled with good humor, uniting our "good Sisters"; they all parted afterwards, happy to have shared this time of prayers and conviviality.

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Sister Marie Valerie with the President of the Republic of Mongolia, Mr. Natsagiin BAGABANDI
With His Excellency Lyonpo Om PRADHAN,
Ambassador - Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the UN