Fraternite Notre Dame around the World:
News - October/Nov. 2002

The Most Rev.
Bishop Jean
Marie and some
of us, visiting
Il y a plus de 8 années, Mgr Jean Marie décidait d'envoyer des Religieux et Religieuses et Mongolie pour une Mission permanente, et il s'y rendait lui-même pour les premiers contacts; la Fraternité Notre Dame y oeuvre depuis cette époque, se dévouant par un Hopital de la Charité pour les plus pauvres, des repas gratuits, visites aux prisons, secours aux pauvres qui vivent dans les égoûts, école, visites aux familles pauvres et aide à tous ceux qui souffrent, dans leurs coeur ou dans leur corps; et aussi évangélisation !
our Mission in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
(Central Asia)

The Trans-Siberian is not what brings us all the way to Mongolia, but long and exhausting hours of flight, through almost unavoidable, mysterious and colorful China.

While crossing North-ward, the Desert of Gobi and the steppes lead us to Ulan Bator's outskirts.

The Most Rev. Bishop is so much awaited here!

Unfortunately, the air you breathe there at the moment is loaded with smokes, from forest fires in the surroundings.

How moving is this get together with our Sisters and Brothers, Missionaries in Mongolia, and our first three orphans.

    As early as the next morning, a Sunday, in the Chapel of Our Lady of Frechou, our dear Mongolian friends, so beloved, both the little and the great, are waiting -as were the first Christians- in songs and fervent prayer, for the Pastor who brought them Jesus Christ, the Light of the world.  

A meeting with the staff at the Hospital of Charity; visit to what will be the orphanage, and the actual soup kitchen premises; then, inauguration of the Yurt-School of Fraternite Notre Dame; on the way, we met with all these poor people with emaciated faces, tanned,

weather-beaten and burnt by both the cold and the wind… and also those from the "holes", who live in the sewers.

Again, there was a visit to the prison, for those who were given life sentences, about 2 hours from the capital. The Director had the cells opened on the occasion of the Most Rev. Bishop Jean Marie's visit,

and the latter shook hands warmly with the inmates, deeply touched.

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