News from Fraternite Notre Dame, January 2003

- Niger: new primary school
October 1st, 2002: Fraternite Notre Dame's Mission in Niger opened its 'Myriam of Nazareth' Primary School, founded at the instigation of our Founder and Superior General, the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie Roger Kozik. This little school not only welcomes the eldest among our orphans, but also some other children from the area. More >>>

The Pilgrim Virgin of Our Lady of Frechou, Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church in CANADA.
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In this cold, early January morning, two little Servants of Our Lady left Chicago to brave the snowy Canadian roads. Their hearts are merry: the Most Rev. Bishop Jean Marie entrusted the statue of the Pilgrim Virgin to them, which he blessed especially for Canada. - Read the rest >>

Peace and Fraternity: Chicago's WestSide
This Thursday January 16, 2003, Fraternite Notre Dame, represented by Sister Marie Virginie and Father Philippe Marie, is invited to the Annual Meeting of the Oak Park-River Forest Community of Congregations, which brings together numerous Protestant and Catholic churches, along with several Jewish temples and some Muslims. - More info >>>

Mary of Nazareth in Belleville, PARIS (France)
More Pics - Support the Paris soup kitchen and activities - Write to us regarding the Paris-Belleville mission
On December 22, 2002, our Brother and Sister Servants of Our Lady who dedicate their time in Paris had the joy to welcome over 500 needy children for the distribution of Christmas presents, along with some sweets. Read more >>>

Conference on Fraternite Notre Dame
and the Apparitions
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Request a Conférence in your own area.
In the evening of January 24, 2003, over fifty people came to attend a Conference in the meeting room located on the lower level of our Chicago church. Continued >>