• Conference on FND and the Apparitions...

After a short presentation on the charitable activities of Fraternite Notre Dame, they were given to discover a film on our Mission in New York and another on the Founding of the Order and the Apparitions of the Most Blessed Virigin Mary.

Then, the assistance listened with very much attention to the testimonies on miraculous cures, and numerous signal graces, showing the love of this Good Heavenly Mother and her all-powerfulness.

A few persons asked questions and one of them gave her own testimony, to everyone's great amazement, how she had been herself cured from breast cancer after her coming to the Mass of the Apparition at our church in Chicago on a pilgrimage, on the 14th of the month, and having met with the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie.

Once everyone had enjoyed a friendly buffet, each took advantage to exchange some words with the Nuns present that evening, and all parted with a merry heart, expressing their joy of having shared in the Conference, and learnt wonderful things they did not even know, even though they have known the Most Rev. Bishop Jean Marie and our Order for several years.

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