• CANADA and the Blessed Virgin Mary...

They have organized a conference for January 4th, in a local village of the Quebec province. Despite the snow, our friends there left the warmth and comfort of their homes to come and greet their Heavenly Mother.

In the municipal hall, rented for the event, the little statue was put in honor and received the first Ave Marias of welcome offered by her Canadian children.

Then, after a short presentation by Sister Marie of the Gospel and Sister Marie Christine, they had a chance to discover our Chicago church on a wide TV screen, and listen to the words that The Most Rev. Bishop Jean Marie had addressed them in particular when he blessed the statue for them.

Once they had discovered the history of the Apparitions, they also got acquainted with our Missions in Africa and Mongolia, along with Fraternite Notre Dame's Spirituality, the person of its Founder and the messages and requests from Our Lady.

All wanted to receive the Pilgrim Virgin in their home, and the waiting list already stretches until the month of June.

In this country, of old, soaked with the blood of Martyrs, and where, in the past, practicing Catholics used to represent 90 % of the population, they are down now to a mere 2 %.

All the persons we met showed a very great thirst for spiritual nourishment, and we tell you on their behalf:

Bishop Jean Marie, Canada is waiting for you!