This year's Forum was based on Reconciliation and inspired
from the Gospel parable of the Prodigal Son (St. Luke 15 : 11-32).

Its aim was to enhance Reconciliation as both a spiritual and pragmatic necessity in today's changing and endangered world; practically, it means to make Christians visible and relevant, while contributing to train the globe's Faith leaders to better live out the true reconciliation message of the Gospel that can be delivered but coupled with positive and constructive engagement.
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Nurses' Week:
Anointing of the Hands
For those dedicated to Nursing the Sick

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
By a Priest from Fraternite Notre Dame
Church of Our Lady of Frechou,
Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church

1977 - 2002
Let us celebrate the 25th Anniversary
of Our Lady's Apparitions in Frechou!

Unite to our joy and our prayer

Homely pronounced on Monday June 10, 2002
in the Forest of Our Lady of Frechou

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