Monday June 10, 2002
25th Anniversary of the 1st Apparition
of Our Lady in Frechou, France

+ My very dear Brethren, my Friends,

25 years ago, in this very place in the Blessed Forest, Father Jean Marie, faithful to Mary Immaculate, was reciting the Rosary, so dear to her motherly Heart; in this very place, on June 10, 1977, the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the foot of this humble oak tree, appeared to her Confidant, to reveal great things to him.

Ah! my Brethren, it is in this holy place that Mary Immaculate, Mother of God and our Mother, deigned to visit her people to let them know of the desires from her Immaculate Heart, desires from the Sacred and Merciful Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

"I am Mary, Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church; I desire of my children to come here in a pilgrimage"; these are the important words uttered by this tender Mother on that day; just a few words, but that have changed this spot of land forever, a few words that have come to give us comfort in these difficult times, a message of hope for our eternal salvation, and for the Church, which experiences her Good Friday.

If you repass these years elapsed since 1977, the examples of the Heart of Mary's Mercy are innumerable, and there is not a single pilgrim who came to Frechou without leaving afterwards, comforted by this loving Mother, soothed in his suffering from the heart, body or mind, and very often even, cured by the all powerful grace of God, so tangible in this Blessed Forest!

Some have recovered their sight; others the usage of their limbs, others again have been miraculously and instantly cured from cancer, a malignant tumor, a grave infirmity of disease; but what is even more beautiful are conversions, late or general confessions: true miracles of transformation of the soul or heart, this soul created by God, this soul immortal that has been entrusted to us, and which we will have to present back to God, on judgement day.

Yes, my friends, Bishop Jean Marie at times made me understand this: there is really something to wonder about in this work of Divine grace on the souls in this Blessed Forest: many have come and knelt on the humble wood of the confessional, to stand up again, a few minutes later, entirely transformed, through the mysterious and unheard of effects of grace, this grace that comes from the very Heart of God, such as it happened so often at the Holy Tribunal of Penance, with a Saint Curé d'Ars, a Blessed Padre Pio, good Saint Leopold and so many other souls, sacrifying for God, souls of elite, who continue Christ's Redemption on a daily basis!

And Our Lady named herself as Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church, that is the Mystical Body of Christ, and which nowadays is torn and crushed by the evil forces, by Satan and all those who serve him, sometimes even openly, in our times, within our world and our society.

Ah! My friends, the Holy Church, founded by Christ himself 2000 years ago, the Holy Church needs men and women who sacrifice themselves, she really needs souls to act in atone-ment, who may come and wipe the bruised Face of the Savior, all covered with blood, as a Saint Veronica, and bring the tribute of their selfless love, their whole oblation, as Mary Magdalene; this is what Our Lady comes to remind us in her Messages: therefore, read them again often, meditate upon them with faith and after having invoked the Holy Spirit.

And bishop Jean Marie, faithful to these appeals from the Mother of God for over 25 years, Bishop Jean Marie has been dedicated, I would even say, sacrificed, day afer day, drop after drop, to the benefit of the Church, for her restoration, and so that the souls be saved and God be glorified.
And along the years, the requests of the Blessed Virgin Mary, divine plans that came out from the very core of God's Heart, these request he was able to implement, despite everything and everyone: the two Congregations have been founded, numerous Vocations have come and gave themselves generously to work in the Lord's Vineyard, and thousands and thousands of poor persons have been relieved, sick ones have been nursed and visited, prisoners comforted, souls in sorrow, listened to and understood.


First Statue venerated
in the Forest of Our Lady of Frechou
- 1977 -

Statue of Our Lady of Frechou,
Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church enthroned in 1984
at the Forest of Our Lady in Frechou

Bishop Jean Marie during some Ceremonies (2002) in our Church of Our Lady of Frechou, Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church in Chicago
- in front of the Miraculous Statue.

My friends, this is the Gospel continued, this is God who is glorified through his humble and poor instruments which we are; this is Mary Immaculate, better known and better loved!

"I cry over the Church, over France and over the world" said Our Lady to Father Jean Marie that June 10, 1977.

My Brethren, my Friends, all of us are able to see the reasons for her tears, we experiment them every day, and that is why we have the duty to react; if the fold is small, if at times we feel weak, misunderstood or even rejected, let us not forget that God is with us, and that, in Saint Paul's foot prints, we are fighting the right fight, and with loyal arms to both attack and defend ourselves, and that God at the end is always victorious!

All of you who are listening to me on this day of the 25th Anniversary, know that Mary Immaculate loves you, know that Bishop Jean Marie loves you; remain very faithful to Mary Immaculate, and if the Bishop was unable to be here with us on this beautiful day because of health concerns, know that he is quite close and he prays in a special way for each and everyone of you.

He knows your pain, he knows the pang that you are feeling because of his absence, but however, despite everyting and everyone, do remain faithful, remain very faithful to Mary Immaculate in her Blessed Forest, respond to her appeals, and then you can be sure that she will fill you with graces, as a very Merciful Mother, she will listen to the supplications of your souls, she will nurse your wounds and she will know how to comfort, or even cure you, is such is the Will of her Divine Son.

Ah my friends, 25 years of labor, 25 years of hope, and most of all, 25 years of faithfulness, this is what rejoices the two holy United Hearts of Jesus and Mary: let make with this day, a day of thanksgiving for all the benefits received along the years elapsed, and let us also renew our sacrifice and oblation during the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

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And you can be certain that the Good God loves you infinitely, that Mary Immaculate is present and that She loves you with a tenderness that has no equal here below; know that good Saint Joseph watches over you, faithful to his Mission; finally, know that Bishop Jean Marie does not forget anyone, but that he prays and sacrifices himself for each and everyone of you.

Ah my Brethren, my friends, go in peace, and when you are about to depart from the Blessed Forest, do not fail to take along with you, thanks to your good dispositions, the spiritual provisions that the Good Lord has reserved for you, and that He gives to you lavishly, through the Hands of Mary Immaculate. Amen.

Philippe Marie + snd.