"I did not come for the healthy, but for the sick"; said Our Lord.

"I was sick and you came to see me"

"I am the Resurrection and the Life"

You, members of the Medical Teams, you have a noble and beautiful Mission: you must see Christ, suffering and abandoned, in each one of your patients.

You must love them, for they are weak and they need love, consolation, affection and tender care.

You must nurse them, while requesting God to act through you, and asking him to heal them even, if such is His Holy Will.

Nurse them with an infinite care, because it is really Christ Himself that you are nursing, Christ suffering and abandoned by all.

When you nurse the sick, think also about the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, think of her sweetness, her tenderness, the great care she would have shown if she were in your stead; and ask her to act through you, as a good Mother would act for her very own son or daughter, sick or in despair.

Do not neglect to pray for your dear patients, with Faith and surrendering to God's Will; entrust them to God, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to good Saint Joseph, to the Angels and the Saints.

Offer up your difficulties, your weariness, your efforts and each one of your actions, offer this up for your dear patients, for such an offering has an immense value to God's eyes, and He can use it to relieve and cure those who suffer in your hospital.

Finally, remember, that nothing is impossible to God, and that is why you must always trust in the improvement or cure of your patients, for He who created Heaven and earth, and everything around us, He can perform mighty things, and save what man believes is lost.

Most of all, never forget that your dear patients see you, they are able to hear you, they observe you: therefore, know how to give a Christian example at all times, know how to restore their hope in God, and their hope in Eternal Life in Heaven.

Then, if you behave in this way, God shall bless you, you will become the privileged children of the Virgin Mary, and God, through you, will sustain, encourage, strengthen and perhaps cure these dear patients.

And just be sure that the Good Lord will reward you a hundredfold, and that on your last day, He shall welcome you in the Eternal Abode.

I will now read out to you some extracts from Holy Scripture, which tells us about the sick, and our duties towards them:

St Matthew, Ch. 8.
St James, Epistle.

Now is the time for me to anoint your hands with the Oil for the sick, that you may, at your own level and with God's help, continue the work of the priest and relieve your dear patients, who suffer and cry.

A Mass at Loretto Hospital every Sunday!

The Pastoral Care And Fraternite Notre Dame Announce that:

A Traditional Mass Will be celebrated Every Sunday At 9:30 a.m. in the Chapel,
Starting Sunday June 2nd, 2002

By a Catholic Priest from Fraternite Notre Dame,
Church of Our Lady of Frechou, Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church
(located on Central Ave. & Race, Chicago)

Staff Members And Patients as well,
You are Welcome!

-The Good Lord is expecting you On His Day… Please Come.

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