By Sister Marie Bénédicte + snd.

Upon the request of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie opened a mission in Haiti, over 10 years ago already.

The Mission is situated in Dumay (Croix des Bouquets), at the foot of the mountains, in a very poor area, where the population, despite a hard and painful labor in the fields, cannot afford to offer their children even one single meal a day.

As for orphans and certain children, who literally die from starvation, the Most Rev. Bishop opened an orphanage where 21 children are given love, food and an education, in a family atmosphere with the Brothers and Sisters, Servants of Our Lady.

Among them, 5 are handicapped from infancy meningitis. They can neither walk, or move, or speak, or even eat without assistance. Their eyes alone and their smile are the only way they have left to express their thankfulness to the Sisters, who patiently, at any time in the day and night, love them and take care of them.

If it were not for the Bishop, they would have died in want of food and care. Jeanne Marie, our latest little one, weighed only 10 pounds when she arrived; and she was 3!

As for the children in the neighborhood, a primary and secondary school was opened, for without instruction, what future can a child get? The only participation requested is used to pay the teachers a salary. The Friars and Nuns teach on a voluntary basis, without any compensation.

Unfortunately, the cheap participation requested often still represents an obstacle to enroll a child into the school, for if the parents do not have enough money to buy food, how could they pay for school?

Malnutrition, lack of hygiene, scarce education, everything contributes to a higher rate of medical problems, and many are the children that pass away each day from pathologies that are not treatable without a cost, even if very modest.

Therefore, the Most Reverend Bishop opened a health center where both volunteer physicians and nurses commit to offering consultations and medical care. A nutrition program will also be developed soon, especially for malnourished children. Top of Page

In the mountains, the situation is even worse. Draughts are working ravages at this time, and the crops, only source of revenue for these families, do not produce anything because water is just non-existent.

A real and severe famine is settling in there. These isolated populations, because there are no roads, usually spend 2 hours on foot to reach our health center, which is the nearest from their places.

The sick that are bedridden get carried on a donkey's back, and those who cannot make the trip are left up there to die, because they can be given no care whatsoever.

In front of such a situation, the Priests, Friars and Nuns, Servants of Our Lady climb these steep hills, on foot or riding a horse, to consult, nurse, or distribute medicine and the succor of religion to these people, with prayers, words of comfort, and whenever possible, some food, given at least twice a month.

Malnourished children are more and more numerous, and their state is ever worsening.

Alone, we cannot do anything. With your help, a huge relief task will be carried out towards these poor people, and many lives of children will be saved.

Here are some figures:

- A child at the orphanage needs US $35 a month for food, shelter and health care, plus an additional $50 in September for school fees and supplies.
- $50 will pay for a school year, for an illiterate child who has no future
- $90 represent one-month salary for a teacher, who can give instruction to a class of 24 pupils, 24 poor kids that otherwise would have no access to education at all, which however is one of the fundamental rights of childhood.
- $70 allow to properly feed a child who is dying from starvation under the very eyes of his helpless parents. This amount enables to purchase the milk, proteins and vitamins needed.
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Instead of burying these children, could not we just help them live? Help us. Sponsor a malnourished child, an orphan. Offer a teacher to the school, which in turn will be in a position to welcome children free of charge.

In Haiti, the Servants of Our Lady give their lives to succor the poor, but without your help, they cannot do a thing.

"He or she who helps the Apostle, shall receive an Apostle's reward".

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