A workshop to
fight racism and

  1. With Mrs. Fouzia Rhissassi, delegate from Maroc to UNESCO
  2. A group of Indians from Manitoba
  3. In the company of 2 participants, including Mrs. Léa Rety (left) from a Peace movement
  4. Mister Hypolite
  5. With 2 participants, including Mrs. Gloria Ramirez, UNESCO representative in Mexico
  6. Persons from Guadeloupe: Mouvement International de Réparations group
  7. The audience, very attentive during the debates
  8. Representatives from Manitoba Indians

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A workshop was being held there, to prepare a publication whose purpose will be fighting racism and all forms of discrimination and foster tolerance.

Several very interesting issues were developed, regarding the various forms of racism and discrimination in our modern world, notably in education, health, employment, immigration, the media, justice and the condition of women.

Mr. Doudou Diène, UN Special Rapporteur, successfully steered the debates with much tact and skill, offering the various country delegates, experts and accredited NGOs desirous to speak, opportunities to do so.

This is how Sister Marie Christine was able to express at the microphone some compiled thoughts and remarks on Fraternite Notre Dame's experiences in the subject, that have been lived out in the field by either the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie Roger Kozik himself or some of his religious people for many years, in their various charitable and humanitarian missions, whose aim is witnessing in the whole world to the Love of Jesus Christ, a perfect, spotless example of Mercy, welcome and tolerance, if any.

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