News from Fraternite Notre Dame
around the world: December 2002


Chicago Anti Hunger Federation's Events - This Page.
Arriving from Mongolia... - This Page.
Jingle Bells in Chicago! - Next Page.
Our dear Haitian faithful - Next Page.
Mongolian Community in the Windy City - Next Page.
Clergy Luncheon at FND's... - Page three.

Day of joy and friendship at the Rotary Club of NY - Page three.
A very good time at the elderly persons' home - Page 4.
Rotary Club of NY was quite helpful in Harlem... - Page 4.

Such a delicious meal...

On December 13, 2002, Chicago Anti Hunger Federation invited the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie R. Kozik, to be part of the evaluation jury for the finalists' meals at Oliver's Kitchen. The program offers cooking training to persons with no resource, desirous to be given a new opportunity in life.

Some have had a very difficult past; but after these three consecutive months of intensive cooking training, most of them are placed in very good restaurants and therefore find their role to play in society again. Now, the meal that was served for "Graduation" purposes was copious, very well presented and… delicious! Bishop Jean Marie commented that the quality was superior to what can be found in many a restaurant.

Dishes were elaborate: a Caesar salad, Cornish game hen with chicken demi-glaze, and a great apple apricot raisin Cobbler.
A real success for the eyes, the palate and most of all the heart, for it is always a pleasure to see people being rewarded for their hard work.

Congratulations again to the students, and best wishes for success in their new career!

- Let us sing to benefit the poor!

Dec. 13 was also the D-day for the "Radiothon" of Chicago Anti Hunger Federation (CAHF). The organization has been providing food for over 11 years to scores of soup kitchens and other food programs in Chicago, and every year it organizes a day to appeal to the listeners' generosity, through WBBM Radio, in order to collect necessary funds to purchase the food.

Beverly Decker, Executive Director of CAHF, had wished that Fraternite Notre Dame singers could participate in this day, and she was delighted to receive the entire choir all at once. The favorite "A Thousand Doves" and some Christmas Carols were performed.

Everybody was moved, for religious emotion is always felt when the Sisters sing. The Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie was present, and he warmly greeted Beverly Decker. A big 'thank you' to Beverly, who invited us to sing for those in need!

Welcome to Chicago, dear Laurent Marie!

Saturday Dec. 21, 02, we had the joy to greet a Mongolian teenager, his Mother and a physician from our Mission of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

17-year-old Laurent Marie has been a hydrocephalic patient for many years and has other serious medical problems.

When the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie went to Mongolia this past October, he had the joy to christen him, along with many others, and he promised he would try to have him come over to the States for better treatment.

Thanks to God and the American Embassy, everything could be arranged before Christmas, and here he is in Chicago!

You are all invited to pray for this suffering boy, that the very difficult
surgical operation he will undergo may be successful. On his behalf,
Thank you very much!
Further updates on Laurent Marie will be published on the Site soon.

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