Clergy's Friendship Luncheon at the Church
of Our Lady of Frechou, Mother of Mercy
and Mother of the Church

December 30, 2002, the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie R. Kozik offered a meal of friendship to numerous religious leaders from the Austin Community, Oak Park, River Forest and Westchester.

A good fifty ministers from various Protestant denominations, Catholic and Orthodox priests along with representatives from Synagogues graced this convivial luncheon with their presence.

After a Welcome Introduction by Bishop Jean Marie came the prayer -rich in meaningful expressions as ever- of Reverend Bass, famous, prominent figure of the Baptist Church in Chicago's Westside.

Then, everyone got to table with a copious buffet, and all enjoyed speaking with the religious Priests, Friars and Nuns from Fraternite Notre Dame, thus getting better acquainted with one another: which also means growing a greater love for one another.

Following were some Christmas Carols, performed by Fraternite Notre Dame's choir, and by lunch end, a raffle came on top of it all, adding up to the festive atmosphere.

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our friend religious and members of the Clergy!

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" Ps 133:1.

A day of joy and friendship at the Rotary Club of New York
Noël! Noël! Noël!
This is what our dear Rotarian friends from the Rotary Club (Number 6) of New York sang for us,
shortly after the prayer said by the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie:
message of peace, and a request for divine blessings upon all the Rotarians present there and their families.
{ Active Pictures: }

The day is a tradition that gives an opportunity to make hundreds of children happy at Fraternite Notre Dame, and our good Rotarian friends contribute largely to it through their volunteering and donations. >>>

Everyone sang and had conversation in an easy-going and quite friendly atmosphere.
Moments filled with smiles and peace, followed by the collect of toys offered by the Rotary >>>

members for the Christmas Party of Fraternite Notre Dame.

A big thank you again for your being so faithful to sending happiness to those most in need!

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