Column about
Fraternite Notre Dame

Sunday April 20, 2003
After a Holy Week filled with fervor and recollection, under the auspices of the Ecce Homo and the Holy Face, following the Easter Vigil and Blessing of the new fire, the Easter solemnity took place in our church, magnificently flowered and ornate, in all the splendor of a majestic liturgy, resplendent like the Resurrection of the Divine Crucified, and in a joy that seems only comparable to the one that once enveloped the first witnesses…

Friday April 25 in the afternoon
Upon the initiative of Chicago's Council and in the presence of numerous officials, in front of a dense assistance including a good number of French people from metropolitan France, Martinique and elsewhere, the inauguration of the sign naming the street that borders our church after our Superior General, Bishop Jean Marie R. Kozik, in his honor and as a testimony of his action in Chicago (where Fraternite Notre Dame serves meals each day to over 200 destitute persons, and distributes pantry products to more than 150 needy families) as well as New York, where Fraternite Notre Dame's missionaries had also gone to comfort the injured and the families of the victims following the tragedy on September 11, 2001.
After the National Anthem and unveiling of the sign, official statements were made:

-Alderman Isaac Carothers, standing for Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley, informed us notably that the day of April 25 had been declared "Reverend Bishop Jean Marie R. Kozik Day";
- The Consul General of France in Chicago Mr. Dominique Decherf;
- Alderman Emma Mitts;
- Regina Lewis, Founder and CEO of Ashunti Women' Shelter;
- Eugene Williams, Police Commander, Chicago 15th District;
- Sonny Jackson from Eyes on Austin (which helps renovate needy elderly persons' houses);
- Without forgetting the Nepal Ambassador, very interested by the work of Bishop Jean Marie overseas and notably in Mongolia.

These diverse prominent figures' interventions allowed the assistance to much better size up the entire action of our Superior General, at the local level as well as in quite remote areas such as Mongolia.
But our report would be seriously unfinished if we would not mention the statements addressed Bishop Jean Marie by some of the children, who benefit from the after school assistance provided by Fraternite Notre Dame:
Extraordinary, incomparable testimonies expressed from the bottom of these >

little ones' hearts, in gratefulness towards he who helped them out of unspeakable misery in some homes in the neighborhood = "Father Jean Marie, we love you…"
No less touching was the testimony of a wife and mother expressing the same feelings, with the same words from the heart.

May we keep in mind the quite remarkable participations of Douglas Banks at the piano, and our choir at FND. A buffet pleasantly ended up this memorable ceremony. Back to Top

Saturday April 26
We had the great joy to attend, in our well-filled church, the sacerdotal ordination, through the hands of Bishop Jean Marie, of Father Louis Marie of the Mother of Sorrows, and the deaconate of Brother Marie Samuel of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, thus bringing Fraternite Notre Dame two new and precious artisans for the harvest, which extends as far as the eye can see over the world.
The superb ceremony, very touching in the dignity of its impeccable arrangement, was followed by a procession around the church block, in thanksgiving and to request divine protection over the United States, under the care of the Ecce Homo, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Padre Pio.

A reception in honor of our two newly-ordained religious ended up the morning, and by early night, at the Navy Pier by the lake, a dinner was served aboard the Odissey, providing the entire Community and our friends an unforgettable memory with some navigation on Lake Michigan's waters, with the grand view of Chicago by night, seen from the lake. Back to Top

Sunday April 27
A great day for our new young Father, that is, the one of his first Mass! With much dignity, a fervent concentration, and filled with real assurance, Father Louis Marie celebrated his first Mass, on the very Sunday consecrated to Divine Mercy: a homily by the Most Rev. Bishop Jean Marie, with an amazing force and persuasion, bringing to us the words of consolation and hope our souls so much thirst for.
Then, each one in the attendance came up and kissed the hands of our new young priest, as a sign of friendship and respect for his dignity.
In the afternoon, talented Douglas Banks gave us a treat with a powerful concert whose blazing inspiration could not let any auditor indifferent. The day was concluded by a friendly dinner with all our friends, in the large lower-level room at the Church.

Monday April 28
During the morning Mass, the Most Rev. Bishop Jean Marie received the postulate of Brother Joseph Marie of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the simple vows of Sister Marie Rita of the Mother of the Sacred Heart along with the perpetual vows of Sister Marie Madeleine of the Infinite Love.

In the afternoon, departure of our friends from France. Already! They said.

Tuesday April 29
Departure of our friends from Martinique. After these past few days spent in a spiritual atmosphere that fostered a real and prayerful fervor, our pilgrims suddenly realized that presently "they had to go"…

Sunday May 4
A High Mass concluding our religious' annual retreat: the Most Rev. Bishop Jean Marie received into his hands a formal renewal of vows from each Nun, Friar and Priest of Fraternite Notre Dame: a very fascinating and moving ceremony that brought tears and a lump in the throat of many a person, while the ardor and fervor resumed all the stronger for another liturgical year filled with enthusiasm and generosity for all these young vocations, aware they have "chosen the best share". Back to Top


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