Renaud Muselier, French Secretary of State on Foreign Affairs,
in Ulaanbaatar with Sister Marie Dominique, a Nun from Fraternite Notre Dame

(photo Valeurs Actuelles)

Extract from article "Renaud Muselier - Marathon Man at Quai d'Orsay"
published in Valeurs Actuelles, Issue #3475, 4-10 july 2003, page 25; by Frédéric Pons, envoyé spécial
PARIS-MOSCOW-ULAANBAATAR - The Minister's 30-hour Day
(Original article in French; translated by Fraternite Notre Dame)

Monday, noon
, Roissy Airport: Renaud Muselier arrives from Marseille. Strike; delay. 13:40 the Air France Airbus A-320 takes off for Moscow. 16:40 transit at Cheremetievo. 19:40 steering southeast aboard an Aeroflot Tupolev 154. Muselier falls asleep. "I try to immediately adjust to time differences." 00:30 dawn over the taiga. The Minister wakes, exercises, karate style. Tuesday, 2:00 Ulaanbaatar (9, local time). Cadillac and VIP residence: a true head of state welcome. Ten hours of official receptions in a row. 4 hours of foreign affairs. 4:35 Presidency of the Republic. 5:30 Prime Minister. Speeches, translation, progressive dullness. Eyes twitching. "You need to stay focused, mumbles Muselier. No stoppage." 6:30 official breakfast. Paris or Marseille time: first café-croissants. Here, shrimp Jell-O, herring roll, boiled mutton, vodka. Toasts, speeches, translation. 7:45 Presidency of the Parliament. 8:30 French Embassy. 9 Hospital of traumatology.
9:45 seismic listening Post, managed by France.
10:30 Hospital of Charity. Sister

Marie-Françoise and Sr. Marie-
Dominique, two French nuns from Fraternite Notre Dame have built an oasis of generosity. Twenty thousand patients are attended there each year. Muselier remains silent, he listens, impressed par the scarcity of means and scope of work accomplished. Smiling, energetic, the Sisters show us their little ones. The children nestle on their arms briskly. 11:15 French Cultural Center.
11:30 exhibition "From Genghis Khan to the Xiongnu Empire", organized with the help of the musée Guimet. 12:30 reception at Bistrot français in the presence of the French community in Mongolia (about 30 persons). Comfortable coaches, petits-fours and photos souvenirs. Tuesday, 15:00 it is 22:00 in Mongolia: aiming at the residence. The delegation has been up for about 30 hours. Non-stop. "Exciting, isn't it ?", enquires Muselier before going to bed, his eyes bright with fatigue. Then he quotes these words from Paul Bourget for me:

"If you do not live like you think, you end up thinking like you live."

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