June 16: Canonization of Blessed Padre Pio in Rome, Italy

How can we celebrate the canonization of so holy a priest, so beloved to our hearts, the dear and good Padre Pio?
Bishop Jean Marie has a fervent devotion to him and as proof of his affection towards the saint of Pietrelcina, he sent two nuns from Fraternite Notre Dame, Sister Marie Myriam and Sister Marie Raymonde, to Rome for June 16.
With a merry heart, our two little Sisters arrived in Rome, and two tickets were "miraculously" prepared for them there, to attend the Canonization! Padre Pio was watching over them…
Early morning at 5 a.m. this June 16, a hot sun is warming up the Eternal City, to turn hotter and hotter by the hour of the ceremony.

What an emotion arousing in hearts; thousands of people are thronged together; they pray, and together, they acclaim the saint who granted so much to them, because he so much suffered in his flesh from the stigmata of Christ, and in his heart, form persecutions on the part of certain clergymen.
What stoke us the most, explained the Sisters, was of course the love people showed for good Padre Pio, but also the love they have for he who elevated him to the rank of the saints on that day with such a moving voice: the Holy Father!

Saint Padre Pio,

Pray for us!

Our little nuns retransmitted to Bishop Jean Marie the emotion they felt during the ceremony. We can say that good Padre Pio has been celebrated at Fraternite Notre Dame by Bishop Jean Marie in Chicago, in Frechou and everywhere in our Missions. May this great saint bring us, along with all our benefactors and sick ones, numerous, signal graces.
Bishop Jean Marie and some of us travel to Martinique
(FWI) and Haiti - June/July 02

A Pastoral Visit during which Bishop Jean Marie performed Baptisms, First Holy Communions
and Confirmations.

We were given a very warm welcome, as usual.

May our Lady of Frechou,
Mother and Queen of Martinique,
Bless and protect all its inhabitants!

Fraternite Notre Dame has been very active in Haiti for the past ten years.

During this one trip, several ceremonies took place, including graduation day at the school and the blessing of a new chapel in the mountains, built by our Friars helped by volunteers.

A Flying Bishop!

Fraternite Notre Dame is glad with this second step for its first Pilot:

Bishop Marie Bernard successfully passed his IFR (Instrument Flight Rating)
on June 13.


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