Sister Marie Chantal Chaillou (born Bauchet) of the Holy Family
Born August 1st, 1945 - she returned to God on July 15th, 2003

Nowadays, it is good to emphasize, for the edification of everyone, on generous souls who mark our lives and deserve to be known better, so as to be more emulated.

This is the case for our little Sister Marie Chantal of the Holy Family of Nazareth, a Tertiary in Fraternite Notre Dame´s Third Order.

She was especially fond of Fraternite Notre Dame and filled with admiration for its Founder, the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie R. Kozik, and she gave with generosity and happiness her consent for the vocation of her three daughters in the religious life, and for her son, the priesthood.

She lost her husband, and her one desire became to really serve the Immaculate Mother of God in the Third Order, before considering religious life.

Unfortunately, cancer broke out and she had to undergo a long way of the cross from one hospital to another, trying many treatments and then chimio, experiencing terrible fatigue and exhaustion.

She came to Chicago. What a happiness for her to dwell close to the church.

She never missed the morning mass, until the very day she died. Her strong character and will to fight: she drew it in the Holy Family of Nazareth.

She is a renounced soul, filled with courage in her illness; every day we could admire the efforts she made not to remain lying down.

Each day counts its number of sacrifices just to move in the house, walk, and she never hesitated to help the Sisters.

Her health dwindled but she never lost anything of her smile and her good-natured features, accompanied by a mischievous little look, which caused her every conversation to be quite vivid and colorful.

She often made recommendations for the salvation and sanctification of her children, and they were tainted with a supernatural touch, for she already felt very close to her meeting with the Lord.

She loved the Rosary, the Magnificat, which her children used to sing for her, and the eve of her death, she even joined in by beating time.

For the Mass of the Apparition at 5 a.m., she abruptly stood up from her wheel chair, though she could no longer walk, and came near the statue of Our Lady, to bow deeply before her with great respect. She later confided to her son priest that the Blessed Mother had appeared to her and that She was very beautiful.

So much physical and moral suffering during this long disease: she is reaching the bottom, and on the 15 of July, this beautiful soul departed in peace, surrounded by her 4 children, without forgetting what she promised to Bishop Jean Marie: to carry the intentions he entrusted to her, but also to come back to him for more, once the job completed!

Vested in the habit of the Tertiaries, she closed her eyes to the world,
to open them in the Eternal Bliss.

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