A pretty, sunny morning is dawning on this March 18th, lighting the stain-glass windows of our beautiful Church of Our Lady of Frechou, Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church. A merry feeling creeps through the sun beams, shedding light on the violet veils that cover the statues, concealed in this end of Lent, to unite to the Savior's Passion.

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World's Religions get together in Assisi, Italy, January 24, 2002

"After the grave attacks perpetrated on the 11th of September, 2001, in New York, the Holy Father has expressed many times over, his condemnation of these terrorist acts and has invited the Church to pray and to set into motion, in order that love can triumph over hatred, peace over war, truth over lies, forgiveness over revenge", …it is in those words that the Office of the Liturgical Celebrations of the Sovereign Pontiff, invited the Catholics to the preparation of the January 24th meeting in Assisi for a day of prayer between the representatives of the religions of the world.

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Fraternite Notre Dame "International" counts its first Pilot!

Indeed, in this beginning of March, Bishop Marie Bernard of the Child Jesus obtained his First License as a Pilot, from one of the Flying schools here in the US... and this is but a start, for helping the poor, the sick, all those who suffer and working for the salvation of souls gives us wings, and our aim is higher! How much aircrafts will help us to do more for the destitute, and provide aid to our various Missions...

We give thanks to God for it. Thank you so much to our benefactors; may God bless bless them for having understood this necessity.

Visit of Mayor Richard Daley at the Westside Ministers Coalition

Great event at the Westside Ministers Coalition, on this March 7, 2002, as Mayor Richard M. Daley (Mayor of Chicago) honors with his presence the monthly meeting of this well-known Coalition from Austin. The Westside Ministers Coalition, led very actively by Rev. Flowers, gathers the largest local group of Clergy and the most important organizations of the area. An excellent orator, always outspoken, Mayor Daley will insist on the importance to improve the Public Schools and he will salute the efforts of the Churches which are so active in the Community. To end, he will congratulate the many persons present, of whom two Nuns and a priest of Fraternite Notre Dame: Sister Marie Virginie, Sister Marie Priscilla and

Father Benedict of Mary Immaculate, sent by the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie Roger Kozik as his Representatives, and he will make a wish to meet with them personally again. Alderman Isaac Carothers, will testify to the Mayor about the good work which has been accomplished by Fraternite Notre Dame in his Ward.
Visit of the Women's Group from Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church

Brenda is a good friend of Fraternite Notre Dame. She was touched by the work accomplished for the poor and brought along several members of her Church to help us. Thus, thanks to her, the Women's Group of Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church will come to visit us and commit their Voluntary and charitable assistance. A big thank you again to each and everyone!

Dear Fellow Rotarians:

Joseph "Joe" A. Sullivan, Past President, Past Foundation Trustee, Past FBI Agent and Senior Active Member of the Rotary Club of New York, celebrated his 85th Birthday, on Wednesday, February 27th, 2002, or so he thought.

In the morning of his special day, Joe received a phone call and was asked to help at Fraternite Notre Dame's soup kitchen at lunch. Tell me More - Home