All of us know Joe well enough that he would not turn down the request but help in the soup kitchen even on his birthday. Joe has demonstrated throughout his moderately long life what "service above self" means to him, anytime, anywhere if his service can benefit someone in need he will be there.

The birthday morning phone call was of course a super test which Joe passed with flying colors. Little did the birthday celebrant know that his friend and fellow Rotarian, the Most Reverend Bishop Roger Kozik, had a great surprise in store for Joe. At exactly 3 pm, after keeping Joe busy upstairs, he was called to the main floor,a nd a choir sang Happy Birthday as he entered the room.

Neighborhood Children with violins treated Joe to a birthday concert that all in attendance will long remember. The vsiolin teacher played a violin solo for the surprised Joe and after this wonderful performance the sisters offered a sumptuous luncheon with selected wines to Joe and his surprised guests.

Besides the sisters of Fraternite Notre Dame, the Harlem Musicians, Joe was greeted by fellow Rotarians PP Ed Gray, Mort Eydenberg, Mat Ingemanson, David Zeller and Horst Schneider sharing in the festivities so beautifully arranged by the Most Reverend Bishop Roger Kozik. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE!!!

We thank the Most Reverend Bishop Roger Kozik for allowing us to take part in this surprise birthday party for PP Joe. All of us, the party participants and all New York Rotarians wish the Most Reverend Bishop Roger Kozik a speedy recovery.

Horst Schneider

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