Last week, a company of coats, gloves and bonnets, named Lands'end, called one of our friends so she may indicate to them an organization in New York that could give coats to poor children for Christmas.

Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie accepted the offer with enthusiasm, and on December 23, Lands'end organized, with CBS television channel, a show for a few minutes to let people know they were donating 500 gifts to the children in our programs.
At 6:30 in the morning, about twenty children were ready and wide awake, to get to CBS's premises.

The children, very proud to know they would appear on CBS, took position in front of a mountain of cardboard boxes filled with warm coats. CBS's reporter introduced a representative from Lands'end, along with our friend, to thank for the gifts, so necessary for our poor families.

Everyone parted happy, with bonnets, gloves and coats, ready to face the cold, which is often very harsh in the New York winter.

Sister Marie Odile + snd.
Sister Marie Valerie + snd.

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