Meeting of the National Council of Women
of the United States - Church Center at the UN

On June 29, 2004, upon the invitation of Mr. Sylvan Barnett, Representative of Rotary Club International at the United Nations, Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie, accompanied by some religious people from Fraternite Notre Dame, attended the meeting, with various other delegates from NGOs, at the Church Center of the United Nations, New York City.

The Council's President, Mrs. Mary Singletary, welcomed us very warmly and the meeting's agenda was grounded on the presentation of an organization established in Haiti called Mercy and Sharing, founded by former top model Susan Scott Krabacher, which is dedicated to helping terminally ill children and working in various other humanitarian areas.

Mr. Stanley Joseph, Vice-President of the organization, shared with all those present, and notably the Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie, on their varied experiences; he exposed the needs and difficulties met in the country of Haiti, one of the poorest in the world, where Fraternite Notre Dame has also settled.

This very enriching interaction showed us the difficulties such relief organizations usually face when working at the service of the poorest of the poor, and it also pictured the great suffering of the Haitian people, and especially children, women and destitude families.

The meeting was ended upon a common desire to help one another through the complementarity of our services. Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie also got acquainted with Ms. Leslie Wright, Representative of the Conference of NGOs (CONGO) in New York, whom Sister Marie Odile had recently met this past June, at a Conference of the UN in Santiago, Chile.

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