This past May 30, Chicago Department of Human Services organized a great ceremony for the Graduation of students in AYD Trainings, which enables us to work with children in need at our After School Program.

It was very touching to hear our staff that run the program: Renae Ogletree (Director of Youth Services), Ray Vasquez (Commissioner) and Dr. Michael Heathfield (Director of Training) expressing their appreciation to us, speaking of a vocation, a commandment in order to literally save the children from the street, from violence, and from all kinds of insanity.

And this so as to better educate them with respect, love and attention, which they need so much. After the speeches, about a hundred students including myself received a great Certificate. But the piece of paper is mere nothing, and as they said, what matters is acting, and acting quickly, efficiently.

Without our Founder, the Most Rev. Bishop Jean Marie R. Kozik, who initiated our After School Program, I know, for experiencing it on a daily basis with the children, that dozens of children would not have been saved, but thanks to him, they will: thanks to his openness of mind towards these little ones.

Sister Marie Odile + snd.

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