Days of joy at our Haiti Mission at the Estate of Mary in this mid September, 2003:

Two Friars and two Nuns, after 2 and 1/2 years of preparation and training, received the Religious Habit of the Consecration, surrounded by their numerous family members.

We were edifided by the fervor and piety of each one. The local band accompanied us during the Procession of the Mass: numerous friends had come from various places, the different provinces in Haiti and other countries, to join us in these beautiful ceremonies.

Children went back to school in a nice, orderly fashion: we have new teachers, well trained by Nuns specialized in this, from Haiti.

Our orphans are growing up both in wisdom and age, before God and men.

Our Health Center still welcomes a multitude of sick persons and infirms. Furtunately, we get volunteer doctors and nurses on a regular basis, to help our physician nun, Sister Marie Benedicte.

Pray for us, help us, support our Haitian Mission. May God keep you in peace.