- Sister Marie Hélène returned to God -

Behold, a quite humble little sister; a daughter in the Order of Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie, Sister Marie Hélène of the Powerful Virgin, whom Our Lord came to take along, this past July 17, to give her the Eternal Happiness of Heaven.

Years of religious life, spent in a very simple life, wholly surrendered to Divine Good Will.

Her main concern: being faithful in helping Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie in the Mission the Most Blessed Virgin Mary entrusted to him on behalf of God, faithful to prayer and sacrifice, faithful to propagate the Messages from the Mother of God in Frechou and make them known.

Enlightened by the Holy Spirit, Sister Marie Hélène would understand the heavy task that weighs on the shoulders of Most Reverend Bishop Jean Mare, her Superior, whom she loves as a Father.

Sister Marie Hélène
of the Powerful Virgin
born April1st, 1923, she returned
to God on July 17, 2004.

Monseigneur avait eu la vision de la Sainte Vierge et de Saint Joseph After a fatal heart attack that led her to the doors of death, she requested Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie to intercede before the Mother of God so she might obtain extra time to help him a bit longer through her prayer and sacrifices, which she was granted.

Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie had had a vision of the Blessed Virgin and Saint Joseph, taking her into Heaven like a child.

Several months elapsed, with some health problems in a permanent offering of daily sacrifices; difficulties were many, but the Immaculate One never ceased to grant her graces.

Again, a few hours before dying, Sister Marie Hélène entrusted her concerns to Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie, and renewed into his hands her total surrender to God.

She left peacefully for the Lord, and more than ever, we count on her intercession before the Most Blessed Virgin Mary to support and console Her confidant, Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie, and all those who, near of far, contribute to making the Messages from Heaven in Frechou, loved and known.

A few consoling words to those who weep:


Hope! Those who have died.

The great and sad error of some, even good people, is to imagine those who are carried away by death have left us. They do not leave us. They stay.

Where are they? In the shadows? Oh! No, we are the ones who stand in shadows. As for them, they are right by us, behind the veil, more present than ever. We do not see them because an obscure cloud envelops us, but they see us.

They direct their beautiful eyes filled with glory, to set them on our own eyes, filled with tears. O ineffable consolation: the dead are invisible beings, but they are not absent.

I often thought of what could best console those who cry. Here it is: faith in this real and uninterrupted presence of our dear departed.

This clear, penetrating intuition that through death, they are neither lifeless, or distant, not even absent, but living, close to us; they are happy, transfigured, and in this glorious change, they have neither lost the tactfulness of their soul, or any tenderness from their heart, or any preference of their love; having instead grown a hundred cubits in these deep and sweet sentiments.

For good people, death is a dazzling ascent into light, in power and in love.

Those who, until then, had been but ordinary Christians, become perfect; those who were only beautiful, become good, and those who were good become sublime!

Most Rev. Bishop Bougaud

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