Fraternite Notre Dame | Promises

Shrine of the Ecce Homo

Promises from the Ecce Homo

Notre Dame Monastery : Marengo, IL

During Holy Week in 2001, while the Ecce Homo picture was exposed, Our Lord made the following promises to Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie.

- To all those who, filled with trust, will come and kneel for a few minutes before this painting, with the intention to soothe and atone for the countless instances of coldness and ingratitude which I receive in the Most Blessed Eucharist: I shall envelop them in the mantle of My Sorrowful Passion to keep them close to Me both in this world and the other. I shall reassure them about their eternal salvation.

- To all the sinners who will come and kneel before this painting, expression of My Sorrowful Passion, My dereliction, My solitude, My humiliation, My Sacrifice: I shall make them understand and feel My Infinite Mercy and the unfathomable greatness of My Love for them. In the name of My tears, I shall encourage them to repentance.

- To all the sick who will come near this painting, to look at Me with love: I shall render them this look of love and relieve their sufferings, when, filled with trust while looking at Me, they invoke also My Most Holy Mother, the Mother of Sorrows.
I shall give health and courage to those who are depressed or discouraged. May they wear my Holy Image, and may they look at it often.

- To all priestly and religious souls, My Heart's favorite, may they not be afraid to come and kneel before My blessed painting: I shall make them understand how much their lives must be in keeping with My Holy Gospel.
I shall make them understand, and if needed, I shall knock at their heart to tell them that they ought to be faithful to the Founders of their Orders, to their Holy Rule, to Holy Church. I shall hide them in my bloody and triumphant wounds, and request mercy for their sins to the Father of Mercies.I shall speak to their heart, in a heart to Heart conversation to make them remember that they must be crucified with Me, they must live in self-denial, purity, poverty, in order to be the consolers of My Agony which is prolonged each day because of sinners, but most of all because of consecrated and priestly souls.

- To all those who are tormented by the evil spirits of the flesh and of pride, may they come near My painting, may they look at My head, crowned with thorns, and at My hands, tied. I shall make them understand how much I love them. I shall sustain them in their fight and My Most Holy Mother will intercede for them so they might be victorious over their sins.

- May the mothers who have provoked the abortion of the fruit of their womb come and kneel in humility and repentance, before my painting.
Then, despite their serious sin, they will understand how much I love them. I shall restore peace into their hearts and encourage them to make a good confession.

- To prisoners, those whom society has rejected: may they really know that I understand their sorrows.
To those who are in prison to serve their sentence: may they spend these days of sorrow and solitude in prayer and repentance.
To those who serve this sentence while they are innocent, may they pray, and pray a great deal: I shall be their support, their consolation.
To all: I promise to come and visit them in this very hard ordeal, with My Most Holy Mother… Bound, I have been so. Imprisoned, humiliated, I have been so, too!
May they keep My Holy Image close to themselves.

- To those who will bear my Effigy in procession, I shall grant the grace to be carried by the Angels on the day of their death, and if they were to go to Purgatory, I shall send my Most Holy Mother to take them so they may spend there but a short time in order to be introduced into My Kingdom in peace and love.

I am Jesus, King of Love...
My protection shall extend to those who will trust.
In your concerns, in your sufferings, in your dangers, turn your eyes towards My Holy Image and you will understand how much I love you.

Contact Information
Address Info:
10002 Harmony Hill Road
Marengo, IL, 60152
Phone : +1 (815) 923-4350
Facsimile : +1 (815) 923-4519
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