"To Jesus through Mary with Joseph"
this is the motto of the Friars and Nuns, Servants and Handmaids of Our Lady.
Foster Father of the Son of God
Indeed, we feel concerned with making Saint Joseph be known and loved, because he is so unrecognized, not to say unknown, while being so great to God's eyes, and because he should not be placed at the same level with other Saints.
When we speak of Saint Joseph, most of the time we imagine him with the Child Jesus on his arms or working with him in his humble workshop of Nazareth. It is true that Saint Joseph lived in the intimacy of Jesus and Mary. He shared in the intimate secrets of the life in Nazareth.
We understand that Jesus attended Saint Joseph's school for daily work, but we also understand that Saint Joseph had the Child God, of whom he was the Foster Father, as his spiritual guide.
In Saint Joseph, we admire the righteous man from Holy Scripture, with his goodness, his meekness, his patience in trials and his tender affection for Jesus and Mary.
Adoptive father of Jesus, we like to consider him also as our own adoptive Father.
We put our trust in him because we know, for having experienced it, how much he watches over each one of us, over our Congregation and the persons we entrust to him.
And let us think also what must have been the death of Saint Joseph between Jesus and Mary. Blessed was he to fall asleep in the very arms of God!
We honor Saint Joseph every day, but more especially on the 19th of each month, and during the month of March, traditionally consecrated to him.

Saint Matthew
"Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the Holy Spirit...

Saint Theresa
I do not remember to have ever asked him anything to this day that he did not grant me...

Saint Bernard
One cannot doubt about it, this Joseph was a man of righteousness and fidelity, he to whom was bethroted the mother of the Savior...

"Joseph's vocation is to hide Jesus and what is entrusted to him"
(Jacques-Benigne Bossuet
September 27, 1627 - April 12, 1704)

Bl A-M Javouhey
"Put yourself under Saint Joseph's protection, he will never fail you in your needs".
(Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey,
March 20, 1850)