Cry for Help! -Foundlings in Haiti

Incredible… but true! Today, September 3rd, 2004, is no ordinary day.

At the gates of Fraternite Notre Dame's Mission in Haiti, the religious people's attention is caught by the cries of a little child, just a few months old that has been laid on the ground furtively by his mother, and abandoned to the good care of the Priests and Religious of Fraternite Notre Dame.

Such a scene, as was common at the time of Saint Vincent de Paul, and which happens again here, and quite often in our Missions of Mongolia and Niger.

Then, we look around, we search for any clue from his mother, nothing… The little boy is immediately taken in, and Brother André Marie calls Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie to explain to him what is happening, and the latter instantly welcomes him among the children at the orphanage.

"His name will be Simeon Marie Le Jeune"; and Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie has the Sisters notify local authorities about it.

If you want to contribute to the education of these foundlings, and provide for them a means to shape their future in life, send your donations to Fraternite Notre Dame.

Offer these children, tried from the cradle, a chance to lead a normal life. Contact us now!

Sister Marie Bénédicte, Sister Marie Rita, Sister Marie des Anges, Father Marie Antoine & Brother André Marie + snd.

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