July 6-13 in Barcelona, Spain:
Forum 2004 of the Parliament of the World's Religions

Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie sent some of Fraternite Notre Dame's members to participate in the Forum 2004 of the Parliament of the World's Religions, which was held in Barcelona, Spain, from the 6th to the 13th in this past month of July.

We were able to meet many persons from different religions, and share on our respective various activities.

It also allowed us to make ourselves better known, and present Fraternite Notre Dame's diverse charitable and religious works; our organization is present on several continents and participates actively in poverty relief actions around the world.

Tolerance and kindness prevailed at the Forum, despite differences, and in fact it would be great if the same dispositions of mind could be found in everyday life, and not only during a forum!

Fraternite Notre Dame, which adequately represents such spirit of tolerance towards all and dedication for the poorest of the poor, played a role in various conferences on Christianity and joined in prayers organized within the framework of this 2004 Forum.

For us, it provided an opportunity to show in front of many people how proud we are of our Faith in the Risen Christ, who shows us each day the ways of charity, understanding towards others, respect and tolerance.

Sister Marie Myriam and Sister Marie Sabine + snd.

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