History replayed: Missionaries to California

For a long time, Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie had the wish to serve Our Lady and the poor in the State of California. The needs over there are so important:

A lot of homeless people are living in the streets of downtown Los Angeles and by the west coast, close to the Pacific Ocean: many of them are afflicted with AIDS. It is very hard to be poor. Being poor and sick at the same time is terrible.

But another kind of poverty is present in this immense city, where the most unbelievable luxury coexists with the most unbearable misery: this is the poverty that is spiritual.

No Wealth on earth can buy Faith, Hope, Love or Peace of heart.

To take care of this painful situation, Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie sent two Sisters to California on February 11, 2004, on the 33rd Anniversary of the Foundation of our Order.

Praying the Rosary, their rosary beads in their hands, they will crisscross the roads of California to feed the poor and the homeless, to let them know that Jesus loves them, to welcome them as persons, to restore their dignity.

And from the Tabernacle of their little church, the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus radiates His Love and Mercy.

May Our Lady of Frechou and Saint Michael protect them and may God bless this new Mission.

Mother Marie Martha + snd.

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