'Transition Day' at the Rotary Club
of New York - Tues. June 29, 04

This closes the 99th year of the Club,
and presidency of Mr. Gregory Lynch.

Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie said the Prayer, which he composed especially for the occasion, asking God to bless he who presided over the Club for the entire duration of this past year, and so well and generously invested himself at the sevice of those in need.

The Most Reverend Bishop ended his moving prayer with a few words announcing the passing away of David Zeller, who left the memory of a Rotarian well-loved by all and very jovial, asking everyone to pray for him.

After several announcements, President Gregory Lynch announced the giving of the Paul Harris Fellow Award (highest distinction in the Rotary Club) to Most Reverend Bishop Jean Marie, who indeed deserved to be recognized for the works he accomplishes on a daily basis, at the service of the poorest of the poor in New York.

With all you who are present for this recognition, it is the heart of each religious member of Fraternite Notre Dame that vibrates with emotion; Mr. Thomas McConnon places the Paul Harris Pin on the Bishop and gives him the medal with a great deal of respect and gratefulness.

The entire event will remain unforgotten, with these merry faces that can be seen on the pictures above.

Next, many acknowledgments were given to those most dedicated Rotarians, while current President pronouced his final speech; he will mark our minds with the image of a worthy and dynamic individual, respectful of others and devoted.

May God bless him, along with President-elect for 2004-2005: Mr. Clarence Plummer.

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