Once the school buildings completed, Bishop Jean Marie and the Religious of Fraternite Notre Dame saw with joy the first pupils arriving into the new premises; the Haitian flag is floating high in the middle of the courtyard, under a superb sun, not far from the mountains.
We reap the fruits of a hard labor, the one of having succeeded to implement the divine wishes: providing education to remotest places.

For the first new school year 1999-2000, we registered 120 pupils, all dressed in blue and white in their uniforms, proper to Fraternite Notre Dame. For the year 2000-2001, we welcomed 243 pupils; for the next, 2001-2002, we expect about 300 pupils.

This also amazed our benefactors, especially the Ambassador of the USA, who had come for the school's inauguration.
The year 2001 also witnessed the inauguration of the dispensary (with its 2 consulting rooms, dental facility and pharmacy), cafeteria-refectory for the school, where the children will be served balanced meals, the only meal of the day for most of them, because at home the plates remain desperately empty… Thank you to the Ambassador of Great Britain and the Plan International for their generous support. How fortunate we are for having been granted a superb solar oven to bake our bread, generously offered by the Rotary Clubs in Wisconsin and Petionville.

We have other projects, dear to our hearts, which, through a lack of material means, could not be initiated.
Much still remains to be done, notably buildings for the orphanage, lodging for the Sisters and Brothers, but also:
- A maternity with 15 beds where mothers from this disadvantaged rural area will be able to give birth to their children in decent hygiene conditions, where they will receive adequate health care and sanitary and social education that will assist them to take better care of their families.

- The church building, so much awaited by a great number of people and all the children and missionaries living at the Estate of Mary.

- Part of the enclosure wall has been done, but 2/3rd are still missing. This is very important for safety reasons, but it amounts to the price of a whole building.

- The generator provides electricity, but its operation for a few yours per day implies large expenses. Getting connected with the EDH power utility would be very useful to us, but costs for such a connection are also very high.

- A little tractor again would be very useful for farming and maintenance purposes and for minor transportation tasks.

- A truck is greatly needed to handle building materials, and it would be a precious aid for the Priest in charge of the construction works.

- Also, the ways and paths within the boundaries of the Mission have to be seriously worked on, to properly connect all the various premises.

- Water and power supply remains to be completed in the new buildings.

- Designing and creating outdoor playing areas for the school children, along with a small play ground.

- Teams of doctors, nurses, dentists and surgeons are needed at the dispensary, dental office, etc.

We entrust all these important concerns to our benefactors and to Divine Providence, knowing that nothing is impossible to God.

When time comes for thanksgiving and we see all that God has already realized in so short a period of time, we keep trust in his Divine Providence. We pray several times a day for all our dear benefactors who have helped us to achieve the buildings and installations, but we also pray for those who help us faithfully through their donations, either financial or in kind, for the proper running of the Mission. Food, clothing, various supplies and equipment, financial support: We really need all of these… Even when it seems to be very little to you, even if it is but one drop of water, it is still one more drop, that will be used to succor the poor, offer instruction to children, nurse the sick, take some orphans in with us.


Please know again, dear readers and friends, that Fraternite Notre Dame's members perceive no salary and that your help, therefore, whatever the size, is directly invested to support charitable works, undertaken by the members of Fraternite Notre Dame. This must be great comfort for each one of you, who has toiled to earn whatever you own: knowing that your help will really and directly relieve those who suffer, poor children and all those you wished you could have helped in some way, through the Works of Fraternite Notre Dame. God bless you for contributing to the advancement of his Kingdom.


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